Category Books
Escape, first week and other stories
October 27, 2014
- Escape went up last week, with a whisper not a shout, and so I thought I'd mention a first week retrospective. Is it selling a lot? No.Is it selling despite me not actually advertising it anywhere?Yes.Should I advertise it somewhere?Probably.The lack of advertising is not entirely by choice. The health issues that affected me earlier this year have resurfaced, making it fairly hard to use a computer at the moment. I have two incomplete novel manuscripts nearly ready to go (one's at 60,000 words, one's at 40,000) a 27,000 word draft for another and 18,000 word outline for a fourth, and I'm not really well enough to get them done right now. Short stories are about my limit. This is part of the reason why I am looking for an agent for the children's stories - working with a small publisherRead More
Escape cover reveal
October 19, 2014
Books, News, Publishing
I'm happy to announce the cover for Escape. Given the aircraft in the book, it was understandably difficult to find images of it in flight, so my original request of a close-up flight shot was not granted. Instead I understand a flight-sim was used to get reference shots, the contrail comes from a 777, and the sunset shot was taken on open land. I actually rather like the results.
Escape short story coverRead More -
Fire Season Feature
December 18, 2012
Fire Season
- Fire Season has just been featured on Indie Author Anonymous, as today's spotlight book.View FeatureWith Standing Guard out now and available, that's good timing. The second story in the Days at Brooke's Vale series is due shortly, provisionally titled Guarding the Gate. Read More
Reviews for The Docks
- After the book launch on Thursday, reviews have started to come in from several of the advance copies I sent out. In some ways, waiting for readers' opinions is more nerve-wrecking than the launch was.Doubleshot Reviews have given it a four shot expresso rating, which is their highest."The pace is smooth and fast for this novella, which makes you feel as though you have read though a whole book."Double Shot ReviewsCoffee order: Quad ("5) Quad: You don’t already own and have read this book multiple times? What’s wrong with you?! Put down the coffee and go buy this book!")I'm flattered.The Amazon reviews are more mixed with two five stars, two four stars and a three star on and it is interesting seeing what the different readers take out of the story. There are moreRead More
Conflict of Interest SampleSunday
July 24, 2011
SampleSunday, The Docks
This sample is from an unpublished piece: A short sheak preview sample from "Conflict of Interest". This is still being edited, so I don't guarantee it won't change before the book comes out.
I stowed the papers in my own safe and secured it, hiding it as best I could in the cramped room. There's no point in stealing something if someone else takes it off you before it can be safely passed on. Then, brushing myself down, I reminded myself the job was only half done.
The second part should be simpler. Shoving the gear, ropes and knife I'd used for the first stage under the bed, I pulled on a non-descript dark green fleece and flipped the hood up to hide my face from cameras.
I walked out of the building where I'd rented the office – cash. no questions, they were desperate
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The Docks – a new review
- "Great short story that I highly recommend and I look forward to reading more from this author!" Read It, Review ItThe Docks just got its first review, a solid 4 stars from Read It, Reviewed It. I'm delighted and rather relieved since I'd heard that novellas did not do well online. It was a nice piece of news to end a Friday with!The Docks is available on Smashwords and Amazon, with samples available free on both. Alternatively, it was last week's SampleSunday, and the first chapter can be read here.Read More
SampleSunday – The Docks
July 3, 2011
SampleSunday, The Docks
- | | SmashwordsGenre: CrimeWord Count: 17,500Cost: $0.99The sequel, Conflict of Interest, is due out at the end of July.Harry's in more trouble than he knows, and he knows he's in a lot.His freedom depends on covering his tracks, and uncovering the truth before the police do. One person holds all the pieces. Unfortunately Harry killed him last night.Murder, manslaughter or self-defence? When Harry agreed to a light spot of arson, he didn't know what was really planned. Then the bomb went off. Now he's confessed to burglary, could be on the hook for murder and is desperately trying to dodge a terrorism charge. On his side, a bunch of crooks and the solicitor he's dubbed Ms. Pitbull. Against him are his former accomplices, the police, and the inspectorRead More
The Docks Book Trailer
July 1, 2011
The Docks
- A new book trailer for the Docks. Please let me know your opinions (be aware, this does have sound effects):<!---->Read a sample on Smashwords or AmazonA new month, new possible sales channels, a in-character interview with Harry from The Docks going up, and hopefully at the end of it, Conflict of Interest ready to be announced and released. I think I'm going to be busy.Read More
Smashwords – an update
June 29, 2011
Smashwords, The Docks
- After a brief email exchange, I got a note saying that Smashwords have updated meatgrinder. I retried my file (the same one I'd submitted already) and it went through, validating correctly in epub. No more added navigation links or NCX problems. This morning I was told it had gone into the premium distribution catalogue.The Docks is shortly going to be available in Apple, B&N, and multiple other places. For anyone who is impatient, it is already up at Smashwords in those formats (here). Even without premium distribution, it has over 100 downloads, so it can't be that bad. I just need the confidence to send it out for review.The sequel is coming nicely into shape, although it seems to be getting longer during editing which is a little unusual. Unfortunately I have one opinion on itRead More
A Smashwords problem, and a paperback question
June 21, 2011
Smashwords, The Docks
- Three hours of problems with Smashwords.To boil this down to a summary: - I was notified by Smashwords that the epub file for the Docks was broken. - The epub navigation had an extra link on the end. - I checked.- The epub file passes epubcheck.Investigation results- The Word file did not contain hidden or malformed bookmarks.- The error only occurred in epub format.- The previous three file versions did not have the problem, and had identical bookmarks.- All epub files pass epubcheckResolution attempt: - I nuked the file - copied into Notepad, stripped the formatting and links and rebuilt them. - I checked the file: were no hidden bookmarks, malformed bookmarks etc. - I uploaded the new file.The same error occurred. The new epub file passes epubcheck.I think this one is at their end... IRead More