Smashwords – an update
June 29, 2011
Smashwords, The Docks
After a brief email exchange, I got a note saying that Smashwords have updated meatgrinder. I retried my file (the same one I’d submitted already) and it went through, validating correctly in epub. No more added navigation links or NCX problems. This morning I was told it had gone into the premium distribution catalogue.
The Docks is shortly going to be available in Apple, B&N, and multiple other places. For anyone who is impatient, it is already up at Smashwords in those formats (here). Even without premium distribution, it has over 100 downloads, so it can’t be that bad. I just need the confidence to send it out for review.
The sequel is coming nicely into shape, although it seems to be getting longer during editing which is a little unusual. Unfortunately I have one opinion on it already: after I left the printed manuscript out the cats decided it was “highly chewy”. As critics, I think they have their claws out for me…