Category Smashwords
Taking a chance…
January 23, 2012
- Well, this blog is normally not the first with breaking news, but right now it is on the frontline of a test.Testing what, you ask? Well, go to the Fire Season page (on the menu above) and you'll see a new "Read Sample" button. It's a prototype of an embedded reader for Smashwords samples, and making its first (temporary) appearance away from the test server.If there's any takeup for it and no critical bugs, there is a Java app in the works which has more options, and which this version will eventually become the fallback for. Meanwhile here's v0.3 on temporary display. Since this blog is more likely to attract readers and authors than the coders' blogs, it's up here to gain a bit of feedback and some extra opinions. For background, this is all part of the Smashwords Tools project whichRead More
Blog hop & bookstore
January 3, 2012
- Join the New Year's Blog Hop at to win your choice of five ebooks or grand prize of a Kindle Fire!Yes, my first post of the year is promotional, but then The Docks is one of the prizes for a rather large blog hop. I'm still working on COI and hopefully that will be back up and re-edited by tomorrow.The other thing that is coming soon is an embeddable bookstore widget for the blog. I'm helping test the alpha version now on the Bookstores page (and you can view the mini-site version here), since this blog uses a narrower template than most. The Smashwords tools in beta can be viewed here, for anyone who wants to help with the testing, or use one on the blog. Off to a good start, I think.Read More
An update on bookstores
December 9, 2011
- After some detective work, it turns out that the books have indeed not arrived with stores. The distributor lost the order.I've taken the practical approach. I've spoken to the shops, who were kind enough to resubmit the order. Author copies have been handed out where possible and, now the orders have been resent, with any luck at the distributor's end The Docks will be in bookstores for Christmas. Otherwise you can still order it online or over the counter.Hopefully at some point in the near future (read: next five minutes), I'll be able to get back to writing. On a brighter note, I have an interview on J.E.Taylor's blog coming up, so look out for that, and I'll link it here when it's up.And finally, about another author. Nick Davis, formerly a White Dwarf feature writer and now aRead More
SampleSunday – Conflict of Interest Ch1
September 11, 2011
SampleSunday, Smashwords
- I wasn't going to do Sample Sunday today, but since Conflict of Interest just got approved for distribution, and will be hitting Barnes & Noble, Amazon and more shortly, I thought I'd put up a link to a sample to celebrate. If you want the whole book now, it is available in all formats from Smashwords.Today's SampleSunday is the complete Chapter One of Conflict of Interest, available from the website for CoI.Read here: Chapter One: Conflict of InterestThere are a couple of Tweets going round, so please Retweet them if you like the sample: Mugging an armed robber isn't bright. Conflict of Interest: #samplesunday #ebookorHis robbery went as planned - until Harry was mugged. Conflict of Interest Ch.1: #Sample Sunday #action #ebook Pls RTRead More
Smashwords – an update
June 29, 2011
Smashwords, The Docks
- After a brief email exchange, I got a note saying that Smashwords have updated meatgrinder. I retried my file (the same one I'd submitted already) and it went through, validating correctly in epub. No more added navigation links or NCX problems. This morning I was told it had gone into the premium distribution catalogue.The Docks is shortly going to be available in Apple, B&N, and multiple other places. For anyone who is impatient, it is already up at Smashwords in those formats (here). Even without premium distribution, it has over 100 downloads, so it can't be that bad. I just need the confidence to send it out for review.The sequel is coming nicely into shape, although it seems to be getting longer during editing which is a little unusual. Unfortunately I have one opinion on itRead More
A Smashwords problem, and a paperback question
June 21, 2011
Smashwords, The Docks
- Three hours of problems with Smashwords.To boil this down to a summary: - I was notified by Smashwords that the epub file for the Docks was broken. - The epub navigation had an extra link on the end. - I checked.- The epub file passes epubcheck.Investigation results- The Word file did not contain hidden or malformed bookmarks.- The error only occurred in epub format.- The previous three file versions did not have the problem, and had identical bookmarks.- All epub files pass epubcheckResolution attempt: - I nuked the file - copied into Notepad, stripped the formatting and links and rebuilt them. - I checked the file: were no hidden bookmarks, malformed bookmarks etc. - I uploaded the new file.The same error occurred. The new epub file passes epubcheck.I think this one is at their end... IRead More
SampleSunday – The Docks Chapter 1
May 29, 2011
SampleSunday, Smashwords, The Docks
This Sunday, my sample is Chapter One of "The Docks". After all the changes -a new cover, new layout and new price - I'm also adding a Coupon code valid this weekend to download the whole ebook for free.
Get the full book on Smashwords HereCoupon Code: AB96D (Free - 100% discount, Valid until 30th May)
(Also available on Amazon, but Amazon does not offer the coupon discount)
Chapter 1 of the DocksBob had told me we were going to sink the ship, but what he hadn't mentioned was that it wouldn't be empty when we did it. My jaw dropped in horror as I saw the arm, smashing out the cabin window, black against the flames behind it as it fumbled for the door handle on the outside to escape the inferno. Fumbled at the door that Bob had blocked.
"Good night's
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“Reader sets price” – pros and cons
May 23, 2011
Smashwords, The Docks
- I was using "Reader sets price" for "The Docks". On review, I don't think this is working and will be switching to 99c fairly shortly. The "Reader sets price option" seems to restrict your audience without providing many advantages. The first issue is that most offers on Smashwords rely on coupons, which can't be generated for books using "Reader sets Price". At the same time, you can't link "Reader sets price" books to the free ebook directories and users still need a Smashwords account to download it while free books can be accessed by anyone. Some Smashwords readers I spoke to skip over books with this payment type because trying to work out how much to pay is an extra step between them and the book.If there was a tip jar option on the author page, I'd just make the book free and linkRead More
A Smashwords milestone
February 28, 2011
- This isn't a long post, but I think this is a milestone I'd like to acknowledge. This morning Arrival hit 2,000 downloads on Smashwords. I'd just like to say thanks to all the people who downloaded Arrival, or read it through Smashwords, Goodreads, Feedbooks or elsewhere online - or even followed the first Twitter feed. I sincerely hope you enjoyed the book. Because of Arrival's success, and the readers who downloaded it, Fire Season will be coming to Kindle in the next couple of months.So, thanks for making that possible.Read More
Arriving in second place
January 23, 2011
Arrival, Smashwords
- I suppose I should be upset Arrival is currently at position #2 on a Smashwords anthology search.On the other hand, looking at number one......what chance do I stand against Justin Bieber?Arrival homepage - free e-book on SmashwordsRead More