migration tagged posts
How to migrate from Blogger to WordPress
February 21, 2013
Articles and Opinions, Off-topic, Uncategorized
Migrating content, particularly in this day of search engines and old links, can be tricky if you don't want to lose a lot of ground. However, I found the new Google interface difficult to use and awkward, which is why I started the new blog in the first place, and trying to handle comments was difficult. Ideally I wanted to get all my content in one place without breaking any third party links and losing visitors. Making any links to posts redirect to the new posts without having to manually recode them, or add the annoying "This blog has moved page" was the main target - and if I could get the search engines to redirect that would be even better.
It turns out there is actually a way to do this.
The process I used was based on this article from Digital Inspirations with a few
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