Monthly Archives July 2013

Fire Season going to Amazon

July 2, 2013 Uncategorized

Fire Season has just been removed from Smashwords.This isn't something I ever thought I would have to agree to, but it seems that the ebook pricing between some of the linked premium sites has got out of control. Effectively one discounted, then another beat their price and so on. The price on Smashwords itself never changed, and there seemed to be no way to get this back under control, since none of the affected sites would raise their price. (For people complaining about favouring one platform over another: As an author outside the US I can't publish directly through these sites, even though a US tax ID is available. Allow me or my publisher to publish directly and I will happily put my book on multiple  sites.)There was also an issue, now resolved, with one of the sites making an

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