Overseas and over the counter…
October 30, 2011
Pre-order options for “The Docks” have expanded, to be overseas and over the bookshop counter.
When a new book is released it takes a while for each stage of the chain to pick up the update from the one before, confirm the details and pass it on. I found out on Saturday that “The Docks” distribution chain has been configured.
The Docks can now be pre-ordered over the counter in Waterstones or from their website. It can also be pre-ordered by overseas customers through the Bookdepository, who once again are offering free overseas shipping.
Since the branches can now pre-order it, there is a possibility I can get a signing or launch event set up in a Waterstones branch. While I love indie bookshops, there is no doubt in our area that Waterstones gets more traffic and would sell more books. One cloud on the horizon is an issue with the evening launch that I’ve been alerted to by the bookstore, which means arrangements may need to be tweaked. It only came up yesterday, so at the moment I’m waiting to hear more.
Meanwhile I have a new set of edits for Conflict of Interest to work through, a book launch to plan, signings to set up…
…and NaNoWriMo starts next week. November is going to be a busy month.