The Docks Book Launch – planning
October 13, 2011
book launch
Well, it’s official. The Docks is going into print. It can now be pre-ordered from the website, and the distribution chain is kicking off. I was holding off on updating because I wanted to submit a picture of the actual book, but that won’t arrive for another week. (For anyone curious, Paypal is being used for pre-orders as it accepts dollars and euros)
Pre-order “The Docks” in print
£4.99 (Free P&P)**Overseas orders not guaranteed to arrive before christmas.
What I need to plan now is the book launch. I have options: ask Waterstones, ask an indie bookstore or hide in a room above a pub. The only option not currently available is the Fire Season method of a very large games convention.
I’d like to support an indie bookstore, but this leaves me with all the planning. As a low-budget release it’s not getting much investment from the publisher. Weekends and evenings would be best for me, friends and family, but most bookstores want to do a launch on a week day during business hours. Catering I can arrange from local shops, depending on what the locations rules are on food. Is this supposed to be something where I sit in a corner and sign books, or a general meet and mingle? Also, if it is an indie event, how do I make sure they get the best out of it as well as me? And I need to do all of this with virtually no budget.
I love a challenge.
All I know for sure right now is that it will be in November, and in the South London area, and if the venue allows the wine supplier I want it will be a very merry evening.
Anyone interesting in attending, please drop me a note or use the comment box below.
Meanwhile, its a good day for features: Fire Season is being featured on Bargain ebooks today (here). At the same time The Docks is being featured on No Trees Harmed. I promise I didn’t plan this!