Conflict of Interest & Amazon

September 1, 2011 Uncategorized

Amazon say they will take at least 3 days to fix The Docks listing. In the meantime I am losing traffic from various features, which is frustrating (and costly) but can’t be helped.

On a bright note, so far I have two issues reported with Conflict Of Interest, both in the HTML version only, and both purely stylistic. If the .mobi and .epub versions are correct, which they seem to be, I may leave this to get to distribution faster.

You can see them for yourself at Smashwords

The only other complaint was that on the page for The Docks at the end I hadn’t added any nice reviews…

UPDATE: 20:30 and it looks like the Docks listing for is back up:
The Docks on The only problem is that as a UK resident I can’t see the price on Fingers crossed there are no further problems.