Monthly Archives April 2011
Fire Season on Kindle Part Two
April 5, 2011
- While I'm not overly obsessive, for an author whose book just came out in another format worldwide, I did just want to put the official press release in below.While nice to read, and flattering it has also reminded me that the launch event is in less than two weeks. If you will excuse me, I'm off to the pub to soothe my nerves. What happened to the days when all authors had to do was write?--- Press Release ---Due to the success of the short story prequel Arrival, downloaded over eight thousand times, the e-book release of Fire Season was moved up to 2nd April 2011. Fire Season is now available for download internationally, from both and, and priced in the UK at £2.97. A gripping flight adventure, Fire Season is the debut novel by British author VH Folland, whichRead More