Meet an Author Monday
March 21, 2011
First a quick update. There are now 66 items up for auction at the Indie Author Relief Fund, all raising funds for the Red Cross. The auction closes tomorrow, so please get your bids in.
More importantly if you can’t donate, you can still fundraise. If you use this link,
and then click on an ad or through to the Relief Funds page, you are fundraising for rescue.org’s Japanese appeal, supplying goods and funds to Japanese charities on the front line.
If anyone would be interested I will set up a chain of the other lenses donating 100% to Japan – simply by clicking thorough, visiting an ad, buying something from the lens or donating directly, each of these lenses raises funds for Japan.
The other thing to report is my first attempt at taking part in a blog hop.
Cali Cheer Mom is currently hosting a blog hop, where visitors move from lense to lens, signing up to participate. I’ve never tried this before, but here’s the link, and the authors already taking part.
This has given me yet more reading material, at a time when I really should be writing. I can’t say I mind though.