On the shelves…

February 16, 2011 Uncategorized

My book’s in store at Waterstones. When I found out, I did as any budding author would and promptly headed down there with a camera to record it for posterity, the blog, and any long-suffering friends I could corner. The alternative was to purchase a copy just to get the receipt for my scrapbook, but that might be going a little to far. When I arrived, I wasn’t disappointed.

This was good:

This was unexpected and even better:

My book is face-out on Waterstones shelves, right next to the author of one of my favourite books. For the suspicious among you, I didn’t turn it that way. I found it like that.

If you want to buy Fire Season from Waterstones, here’s the link to order online or check if it’s curently in your local:
Even if it’s not you can also order it from any Waterstones in the country, and they can get it for you in a couple of days.