Monthly Archives February 2011
A Smashwords milestone
February 28, 2011
- This isn't a long post, but I think this is a milestone I'd like to acknowledge. This morning Arrival hit 2,000 downloads on Smashwords. I'd just like to say thanks to all the people who downloaded Arrival, or read it through Smashwords, Goodreads, Feedbooks or elsewhere online - or even followed the first Twitter feed. I sincerely hope you enjoyed the book. Because of Arrival's success, and the readers who downloaded it, Fire Season will be coming to Kindle in the next couple of months.So, thanks for making that possible.Read More
A recommended read…
February 23, 2011
- ...thanks to Waterstones.The card below it hasn't come out very well, but it displays several complimentary comments about my book.And my apologies for the delayed update: I'm still not over this illness and every time I get back towards a normal workload I end up spending more time recovering. The doctor said six weeks, which gives me three more to go before normal blogging will be resumed.Read More
On the shelves…
February 16, 2011
- My book's in store at Waterstones. When I found out, I did as any budding author would and promptly headed down there with a camera to record it for posterity, the blog, and any long-suffering friends I could corner. The alternative was to purchase a copy just to get the receipt for my scrapbook, but that might be going a little to far. When I arrived, I wasn't disappointed.This was good:This was unexpected and even better: My book is face-out on Waterstones shelves, right next to the author of one of my favourite books. For the suspicious among you, I didn't turn it that way. I found it like that. If you want to buy Fire Season from Waterstones, here's the link to order online or check if it's curently in your local:WaterstonesEven if it's not you can also order it from any WaterstonesRead More
Back to the Book Launch
February 13, 2011
book launch
- Just because I'm under the weather doesn;t stop time to the launch ticking down. And with the difference between soft launch and national release, the horrible question of the book launch event raises its head again.I would have been begging MurderOne if they were still open on Charing Cross Road. They were genre, I was a steady customer, and they are very much missed. They are still open online here, but it isn't the same.It's right on the fringe of Forbidden Planet's range. Oddly my dead-genre novel is too mainstream for a company I often buy from.Waterstones are keen - frighteningly so - but do not have a cafe, so I am not sure of the logistics for the "Party" part of launch party. I also can't afford to pay them to stay open or do a private opening.Foyles? I did consider it, but myRead More
Books on shelves
February 9, 2011
- My apologies for the delayed update. After, rather optimistically, trying to work through flu, I managed to give myself pnuemonia. Fortunately I am recovering (while considering myself to be a right idiot), but updates will be erratic for a while.Well, the books are currently working their way through Waterstone's stock systems. Meanwhile there are now a few independants where the book can be obtained.Farthing Books, Coulsdon (details) is selling the book following up from its good review in the local magazine. If you want to support a local independent, here's a place to start.Read More
Local Author Adventures – Part Three (Interviews)
February 3, 2011
The interesting chat with the bookshop was followed up by an interview where the first two questions were:
"How much did you pay to be published?" (Err...nothing, they pay me.)
"Which bookshop can we get your book from?" (All of them? It's on Nielsen.)
I was rather taken aback, but it does bring home how flexible the definition of published is. Unfortunately the reaction of local press to local author can be understandable sceptism - after all is it more likely someone in their area sold a manuscript or that they vanity-published?It also indicates the number of enquiries the press get from "local authors" who either live a few hundred miles away or have a book that for various reasons the press may not want to cover (quality, subject, editing etc.). Unfortunately this adds anRead More -
Local Author Adventures – Part Two (booksellers)
February 2, 2011
While "self-published" might strike fear into reviewers' hearts, it seems the phrase "Local author" does the same to booksellers.I just had a very depressing discussion with a local independent bookshop. I went in at the arranged time and went up to the lady behind the counter.
"Hi, I'm X, I made an appointment to discuss my book." I was surprised when her face fell, and then set into an apologetic expression.
"We don't stock POD books." I blinked slightly.
"That's fine. It's sale or return. Usual trade discount." She looked rather sceptical.
"Well, that's good but you'll need to arrange a distributor."
"It's with Central Books. You can order through Nielsen." I was absolutely stunned by the smile I got, as she headed behind the counter and asked for the ISBN. I
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