Making Steady Progress
October 28, 2010
For anyone interested in the Goodreads giveaway these are examples of the uncorrected proofs/ARCS that are being dispatched. In fact, two of them probably are the copies that will be sent out.
It’s been a very busy day. It started with dispatching some advance copies to reviewers, and hearing that the first batch the publisher had sent out had already arrived.
Then the first set of test bookmarks I’d designed for Fire Season arrived in the post, and I set up an order details page to go with the media kit. I dropped a note to some potential advertisers, who came back to me the same day and were very nice about arranging to put my ad up around the time the book is coming out.
Then I was shown the first tests of the actual cover, not the placeholder used for the ARCs. The artist is still working on the final image, but it’s a very nice picture.
If all that wasn’t enough, the day ended with me talking to Waterstones about doing a book signing or event there. They were very nice and more than interested in helping out a local author, so I came away with a list of contact names and people to talk to about getting my book stocked with them.
My publisher’s already following up on it, so hopefully things will work out.