Planning a book launch
October 27, 2010
book launch
With six weeks to go until the book is released, people have started asking the question that I was hoping to avoid:
- “So, when’s your launch party?”
- “I’ll get back to you.”
I have not even settled on a venue yet. Ideally I’d like a bookshop with a cafe, so they can handle the book selling part and I can get something to eat and drink. Unfortunately my local closed a few months ago, and I can’t find another that fits the bill. I did consider going to the other end of the spectrum and asking Foyles, but when I checked the schedule that would put my little event head to head with the Poet Laureate. I know my limits.
It may yet be upstairs in my local with pub grub, friends, family and regulars attending, and a stack of books in the corner. To be honest, that rather appeals.