Category Amazon
Going Under – special offer
Amazon have recently revamped their Select offer to include something called Countdown. This allows you to discount the price of a book for a set period (up to seven days) instead of making it free for five days. There are some obvious advantages to this - still getting royalties, the range of ways you can offer the discount, and the increase ins sales rank. More importantly, if you were on the 70% rating you still get that even if the price temporarily drops. It looks like a good offer, so I'm trying it out with one of the only titles I still have in Select.From 5th Nov to 11th Nov, Going Under will be slowly incresing from 99cents back to its initial price of 2.99.
"There are plenty of twists and turns that keep you wondering until theRead More -
An Amazon update
August 31, 2011
A breakdown of last night: Amazon don't think there is anything wrong with the listing. So far their support people have all taken one look and escalated it, only for me to get a email back from the technical team this morning that the listing is "fine". My thoughts were unprintable.
Not shown as an ebook, not in the Kindle store, and you can't purchase it. That's not fine.
I phoned (£2 a minute - ouch). They could see the response, and the still-broken product page. The support operator was very helpful and is escalating it along with a note that the first response was wrong.
Unfortunately it will still be broken when the book is featured on 1st September, because the department that should have fixed it yesterday is closed. Republishing won't fix it because the problem isRead More -
Good news and bad…
August 30, 2011
The good news is that I got another review for "The Docks", a good four stars courtesy of the Gathering Leaves blog
"I definitely recommend The Docks for a fast, entertaining read!"
Gathering Leaves (full review)
My new author website is up:, leaving only Fire Season's site to be reskinned, and I have a lot of promotion set up for September, including a sequel to The Docks.
The bad news is really bad: There's a problem with the listing for The Docks and it can't currently be purchased from there. I have flagged this up with Amazon and am waiting to hear back.
Meanwhile, if you would like to get a copy, please use: (9.30pm): I raised this with Amazon at 16:00, who responded and unfortunately made the problem worse. They areRead More -
Amazon rankings
April 27, 2011
- The Amazon rank for the paperback, and the ebook have fluctuated quite a bit, but I think yesterday was its highest yet. Fire Season has fallen back down the rankings now but this, last night, made my day:That's two positions on Amazon Top 100 lists: #72 in Men's Adventure and #97 in Lad's Lit.And now I should go back to my current work-in-progress. I have too many things intruding on my time right now, and trying to get time to write is tricky. It doesn't help when the planned 1,500 word short story is now 4,000 and still going.Read More
Fire Season out on Kindle
March 30, 2011
- Fire Season is now out on Kindle. It is £2.97 from Amazon UK (view is also available from for international buyers. A press release is to follow from the publisher. Meanwhile, I am very glad to see it is up, and hope it is well received. I am also extremely happy with the price - while not the minimum of 99p, it seems a reasonable and affordable level. After the stories of ebooks that cost more than paperbacks, I was somewhat nervous. Fire Season on Season on Amazon.comRead More
Quick Amazon Update
- The book's back up on Amazon, so search for the ISBN, author surname or title (sorted by publication date) and you can see it again. However I will admit to spending a very worried evening.My attempt at publicity materials are also underway, including a set of mini-bookmarks that should arrive later this week. The publisher is refining their press release and putting together a media kit.Fire Seasonon More
On Amazon!
October 10, 2010
- This was set up a couple of days ago, but it takes time for the details to come through. This is why the book is showing as "Out of Stock" instead of "Coming Soon". The important thing is, it's there.Dates for updates:Cover Image: 16th NovemberTargeted Release: 1st DecemberUnfortunately Amazon won't allow you to reserve a copy, or tell the publisher if you add it to your wishlist. Alternatives are apparently being looked into, and I'll let you know when I have an update.Fire Season on More