Monthly Archives November 2014
November 14, 2014
When I started I used an old blog at I moved away when google changed their interface, because the new blogger was simply unusable. (The layout is not responsive and it puts the edit menu off the side of my screen, for example.) I've been back several times and filed bug reports, but they've never fixed it. Worse, I found that Google had broken the redirect to the main author blog ( about three months after I had moved so since the blogspot address was on most of my old printed promotions and online reviews of Fire Season, I had actually been losing quite a bit of traffic. I've fixed the bugs now, but I am understandably angry. There may be a way to syndicate content from the main author blog on wordpress to the blogspot blog, which would bring itRead More
Children’s books and rejection
November 13, 2014
I've just received a rejection on the children's stories, which makes it a bit difficult to know what to do with them next. They took a little while to write, so I don't really want to give up on them, but apparently there is no market for folktale-style story telling any more.My cynical suspicion is that there won't be such a market until someone independent makes a fortune from them. That won't be me: I'm no artist, and these stories do need illustrating. I certainly don't have the funds to hire an illustrator at the moment. Ragged Angel doesn't do children's books and strictly speaking didn't do fiction book until I begged a few years ago. And the main market doesn't like my style.I may just release them as text-only freebies on Smashwords or Draft to Digital, or possible create aRead More
Lest We Forget
November 10, 2014
"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.At the going down of the sun and in the morning,We will remember them."
Laurence Binyon
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