Conflict of Interest rewrite

August 23, 2011 Uncategorized

I took a risk at the start of the month, pulling an edited and ready-to-be-released version of Conflict of Interest back because I had a sudden idea. Yesterday I showed the first revised draft of the new version to the beta readers. They like it. Specifically, from the feedback I got, they liked it enough to read in one sitting and forgot to eat their pringles while reading.

Looks like the risk paid off.

Going from ‘good’ to ‘gripping’ makes it worth the delay and rewrite. It will be a while yet before it is ready to come out (Q3 instead of August) but I’m a lot happier with it.

The slightly embarrassing thing is that the sample I released last month is part of the book that hit the cutting room floor. Please look at it as bonus content.

I’d also like to say thanks to Marvin on Goodreads for his review of The Docks:
“the days of Dashiell Hammett and Mickey Spillane which is a big compliment. Those guys knew how to mix character development and action together and so does V. H. Folland.” – Marvin, Goodreads (read full review)

Being compared to either of those authors, I regard as a very big compliment. Thanks!